Grapes (Vitis) -  the uncultivated relative of common grapes, these fruits are smaller, tarter, and seedier. Great for snacking or jam.

Wild Apples (Malus domestica) - a seriously wild relative of cultivated apples, these (mostly tart) varieties come from a mature forest where they grow in the understory and edges. They may have escaped from an abandoned orchard down the road many many years ago. In the journey back to the wild, they've become tiny and russeted, best used as cooking apples. Excellent in pies, juice, sauce, etc...

Stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) - A highly nutritious cooking green that loses its stinging quality when exposed to heat. Great in soup, steamed+sauteed, pestoed, or as a pizza topping. Recipes:

Autumn Olives (Elaeagnus umbellata) - a juicy and tart invasive (and therefore abundant) berry. Great for snacking and preserves. The soft pit can be eaten or not. If making jam, pie, etc, strain the berries through a food mill or cheese cloth first to de-pit.

Nannyberries (Viburnum lengato) - a nutritious and tasty trail snack

Spicebush berries (Lindera benzoin) - a great local substitute for allspice or cinnamon

Queen Anne's Lace seeds (Daucus carota) - a peppery, carroty, un-sweet flavoring. Use in place of caraway seeds in recipes. Great for flavoring soups, sauces, and breads.

Juniper berries (Juniperus virginiana) - an aromatic, piney seasoning for marinades, ferments, and gin.

Hopniss tubers (Apios americana) - an important Native American staple food. Use just like a potato for a side dish of wild starch