Join Wild Gather’s Mandana Boushee and Found Wild’s Tusha Yakovleva on a monthly foray into the wild and wonderful world of wild food.
This workshop series is intended to provide knowledge and confidence to incorporate wild foods into your diet. Each class will focus on one common and abundant wild edible. We will get to know it deeply by identifying, harvesting, preparing, and eating it together.
We will share the cultural, culinary, medicinal, and ecological history of these wild foods, as well as general safe and sustainable foraging skills, and simple methods for serving and preserving these generous plants.
Sign up for all four workshops to get a comprehensive overview of the Hudson Valley's wild food offerings throughout the growing season. Or, pick and choose what fits your schedule.
· Thursday May 25th: Stinging Nettles
· Thursday June 15th: Wild Grapes
· Thursday August 17th: Wild Berries
· Thursday September 21st: Autumn Olives
Price: Sliding Scale $25-45
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
To register or for more information please email Location varies each month.